Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Special Needs Students in the Regular Classroom

     I have always had a strong opinion about special needs students in the regular classroom because I have a cousin who is one of them. He went to public schools until he was about 14 years old. The teachers thought that he had reached his maximum capacity at a regular public school so his parents took him to a different school. Daniel is very smart for his age and I believe if they would have kept him in the regular classroom where he was use to the atmosphere and use to his peers he would have done a lot better. He graduated from high school with a regular diploma.

    I am no expert in special needs students in the regular classroom by far but just from my own observations this semester it became a big concern for me. I believe that if special need students can do well in a regular classroom then leave them in there. I noticed a lot of the students in the classroom encouraging the special needs students to do his or work and was just really nice to them. I am always an advocate of encouraging others to do the best he or she can and it just makes the whole world a little bit better. Special needs students have enough struggles as it is and I believe that school just be an encouraging place where each and every student can be their self and it be a learning environment.

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