Saturday, April 23, 2011

Practicum Final Reflection

    Observing for 35 hours this semester at Berry Middle School opened my eyes to so many different ideas that I have never thought about. I love how each grade has "teams" and it allows the students to get to know a small portion of their grade and they actually become really close friends in the end. I got to witness a lot of the topics that we talked about in class in the real classroom, especially when it came to the use of technology.

    I saw a lot of technology being used in the classroom. The teacher that I observed under always used a bell ringer for the beginning of class and she would always have it projected from the projector from her computer which I thought was pretty neat. The students had a mathematics project that each student had to complete in two days and each class got to go to the computer lab to complete the project. They used excel and they learned how to graph scattered plots which showed the students exactly where the best fit line is. I never realized how much technology can be used in the classroom when it came to mathematics until I went to the school and saw it myself.

     In the classroom that I observed under I learned a lot of differentiated instruction and how the teacher incorporated several different ideas to teach the concept so that each student could fully grasp the content. The teacher I observed under used a lot of online videos especially from YouTube to introduce the students to the topic that they are about to learn. I learned a lot this semester observing at a great school that I will take with me when I become a teacher.

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